Friday, January 2, 2015

Does Christmas Break end???

My brain is fried... kids are running a muck....what is it? 2 days till school is back in session?
My kids are the best, they're fun to hang out with, creative, destructive, demanding, mess making... oh wait, did I mention how much I love them??
I love them SO much that I'm buying them new backpacks, new socks, underwear (that's a post for later), and fantastic yummy snacks to pack in their lunches so they can GO BACK TO SCHOOL!

HAHA! I know you're all in a similar state about now. The excitement of the holiday season is gone, the tree has been packed away and the wrapping paper stuffed in the trash. New toys have already lost their interest and fighting has begun.
We're surviving.. hardly .. but we are! And counting down till 6:23 Monday morning when that big yellow bus rattles it's way down the street to whisk my little angels away to the magical land of learning for 8 hours!
I have it all planned out now. I'll walk back home, lie on the couch and nap with my cat. Then, if it tickles my fancy, I'll do the suburban mom thing and go stroll through Target with freshly brewed Starbucks in my hand. Roam the aisles and ravage the clearance sections! Is that pink chevron Sally Hansen manicure stickers for $5? Sure, I'll forget I have them and they will get shoved to the back of the bathroom drawer, but I'm buying them because they're $5 and I'm kid free!
After Target, I'll chicken out of going to the sushi restaurant alone and grab some from the grocery store down the street instead. It's not as good, but I can take it home and eat it in my sweat pants while binge watching Supernatural on Netflix.
Then.. depending on the state of my house.. I may clean up a little, so it doesn't look like I've been a selfish slob ALL day.. or.. I could take another nap. I've been deprived of naps for 14 days. The cat, the couch, and I have a lot of making up to do.

..... 2 more days... 2 more.. I can make it!

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

The school year is well underway and I'm starting to get pretty busy.
I had the oprtunity to volunteer at the school during grandparents week. That was loads of fun! I was able to catch up with the youngest minion for lunch the day I was there. It's so fun seeing him with his little friends.

I've started taking a knitting class on Tuesdays, I've learned a TON from this group of ladies. I'm the youngest in the class by a good 30 years but that makes it fun. I'm learning a lot about the community I live in by just sitting there and listening. I love it!
I got a call yesterday about volunteering at the Fine Arts Center close to Christmas. I think that will be a fabulous as well.

We're gearing up for a weekend at the BEACH! As if the beach wasn't enough, we get to spend time with one of our favorite family members from Texas!! It will be some much needed family time after a stressful few weeks. I can't wait!!

As October creeps up on me I'm making plans to take the kids apple picking for the first time ever. I've wanted to do this forever but lived too far south to find an apple orchard.
October to December is a great time for us. Our community does a lot over the holidays and we have several new traditions of our own to look forward to. Small town living deffinitly has it's charms.
As the leaves start changing I hope to make it out to take a photo tour of sorts to post here. Most of the family hasn't been able to come visit us yet and I would love to give them a photographic grand tour.

That brings you up to date with what's been going on around here :) Happy Fall Y'all!

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Saturday, August 24, 2013

What happens when you interview your children..

A friend of mine did a neat thing in her blog this past week, she interviewed her daughter. The questions gave my friend a great idea of how her daughter viewed her.
At first I was like, that's a fantastic idea! Then I thought... what if I didn't like the answers I got from my children? I'm constantly worried that I'm not spending enough time with them, I'm not doing the right things in this situation or that. I thought about it all night, then went ahead with the interview. Gavin is 7, Shane is 5, and here is what they said.

What do I like to do?

Gavin: Cuddle me, cook.. I really like your cookies.. ummm.. and read.. a lot.
Shane: Put makeup on!!

What do I not like?

Gavin : Getting in the kid pool.. why don't you like it? Is it because it's cold? Spending money, 'cause you don't buy us stuff!
Shane: Punching!! (We've been having issues with him doing this, it's good to know he's listening!)

What do you wish I would do more often?

Gavin : Give me candy for snacks and stuff!! I LOVE CANDY!
Shane: Get me stuff!!

What do you like best about me?

Shane: When you cook me dinner!!
Gavin: It's true, I like that too! I like it when you cuddle me and we go to the zoo.. the zoo is awesome.

So there you have it. It's really funny to see how much they pay attention and what they observe about me. I love them dearly and fell so blessed to be their Mom!

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

First Day of School!

For the first time ever... I have two children in school all day! They both went to preK but they were dismissed at 11:30.  I had about three hours to myself those days. This.... is different.
  After walking the kids in the hubby and I made a B line to Starbucks!!
What's a kid free day without a shot of espresso?! The sad thing about having so much early morning free time, NOTHING IS OPEN!!
My kids have to be at school before 7:45, most of the really fun shops don't open till 9 or 10. We twiddled our thumbs at Starbucks for a bit and decided to go to Target.
Why Target?? Why not! If you don't have kids you don't understand the awesomeness of wandering up and down every isle, looking at everything without a child begging for a toy (just a $5 toy mom PLEEEASE!)
or popcorn, candy, or begging to leave because it's just too BORING.
I did have a purpose, besides killing time, for going there. I needed hooks to hang the boy's backpacks on at home. We cruised electronics, meandered through toys, and giggled at harlequin novel titles in books. Then... these happened
   Hiphopsicles... it worries me that these exist. Why.. just... why? So tacky.
We made our way over to the back to school area. I wanted to survey the destruction after the storm that was school shopping. I really should have taken pictures.. the carnage was amazing. It looked a bit like the grocery store scene in Zombieland when Columbus meets Wichita. I was almost expecting to have to smash a remaining zombie with a banjo (because I carry one around for just such an occasion!) Folders everywhere, backpacks strewn about the aisles, pencil pouches scattered through the main aisle like slippery little land mines. It was crazy! I feel really sorry for the employees that have to straighten it all back up.
   After Target I really wanted to go to my favorite used book store, BUT we learned they changed their hours and aren't open on Mondays anymore.. booo! SO we went to Books-a-Million where I discovered I need this...Everyone needs a 'Nuns Having Fun' calendar!  I didn't buy it but did expand my personal library a bit. It's impossible for me to go into a book store and come out empty handed.  Yes, yes I know, I have a kindle, but there's just something about a real book that I can't quit them. I'm a closet book sniffer too.. I loooove the smell of a book. The older the better. Old books just have this amazing aroma! I'm sure there are meetings someplace for people like me.. Book Sniffers Anonymous. "Hi, my name is Sam.. It's been three weeks since my last book sniff. I had a close call when I drove past the library but my resolve kept me on the straight and narrow" LOL
Ok.. back to my kid free day..
We went home after BAM,  it was raining so no zoo. We were going to take stroll through the zoo to look at what animals WE wanted to look at!
The house was so very quiet. It's strange. I didn't realize how much noise the one remaining boy made last year. Oh well. the cats got lots of attention.. I think they are going to be 500% spoiled after this school year. My sweet, snaggle toothed, Cleopatra is the worlds best attention whore. She cant' help it. I think it's in her DNA. 
The rest of the day wasted away by making lunch and wandering around the house aimlessly till time to go sit in line to pick the kids up. This stay at home alone stuff is going to take some getting used to. I'm sure I can find ways to keep myself busy, it's like there's so much I want to do but I'm not sure where to start! Exciting stuff is in store.. or you will see posts about massive crafting/pintrest fails.  Time will tell!